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公園で At the Park

午後の早い時間に タイガのシャンプーをしたので、自然乾燥の旅で公園へ行きました。ポカポカ天気で大変な人出でした。

After shampooing Taiga, we went out for natural drying, since the day was warm and dry.  At the Johoku Park, there were lots of people enjoying the fine weather after the recent typhoons.

In the open space near the park management office, there was a row of visitors' bicycles.  During the summer months, we used to see vans here, selling crepes and ice cream, but not today.

珍しい子に遭遇。スキッパーキです。日本ではブリーダーさんの数が限られているので、この公園では数年前に2頭見かけただけです。2頭とも練馬から来ていた女の子でしたが、タイガより数歳上だったので今は相当 年をとっているはず。スキッパーキは世界的にも数が少ないそうで、その原因のひとつに、一度に生まれる頭数が2-3頭、出産の頻度も少ないそうです。
We met a new face - a male Schipperke, named Jack, 2 1/2 years old.  It is very rare to see this breed in Japan.  There are few Schipperke breeders.  Also, the birth rate of this breed is extremely low, I am told.  According to what I was told, a female may give birth to 2 or 3 pups at a time, and the number of times she gives birth in her lifetime is also very limited.  Before I chose the Kaiken breed, I searched for Schipperke breeders, but I could find only two in the Kanto region, and they both told me that they were not sure when they could expect next birth.

Jack is small and he is just the right size to play with a Boston terrier.

He allowed Taiga to take a sniff.

On our way home, we passed by a house to see the blossoms that I look forward to every spring and autumn.  This tree belongs to the group called Cassia or Senna, and the flowers are so attractive even from a distance.

Looking at the tree from the sunny side, you get more flowers.

Within the families of Cassia/Senna, there seem to be many different varieties.  Some of them bloom only in spring, and some of them have smaller flowers with flimsy petals.  However, this tree's flowers are large, with thick petals, and it blooms twice a year.  Moreover, autumn bloom is no less abundant than the spring bloom.

After the spring flowers this year, I happened to pass by this house when the owner was cutting the tree down to almost nothing.  I begged him not to get rid of it since I was looking forward to the flowers every year.  He told me not to worry, since the plant was too tough even if he wanted to exterminate it.  True to his words, the tree recovered fully from the less than 30 cm stem that was left in the ground.